Thursday, March 19, 2009


I have been following about NMC and their problems. Why are there these attacks on this new president of NMC? Maybe because she is from Guam? Ms. Carmen Fernandez seems to be doing a good job so why are people hurting her ability to do good for NMC is the question we need to ask ourself.

Please give President Fernandez the support to get NMC back in the right direction.

I never met her but I see her on the KSPN news and in the newspaper and she is always smiling just like in this picture. She seems very nice and her heart is in the right place and I hear good things from my friends who work for NMC about her as President.

We are very fortunate to have excellent board of regents in place to help NMC. Chairman Mr. Charles Cepeda is a business executive and general manager of Miller Lite and offers business background skills to run NMC properly like a business, like how our government should be running too. We should listen to Chairman Cepeda and listen to President Fernandez. They are doing their best for NMC so let us work and put the students as a priority instead of attacking each other. Before attacking NMC officials, ask yourself what would Jesus do?


Anonymous said...

It is nice to have someone looking for solutions for a change. About time.

Anonymous said...

Happy St. Joseph's Day. Now, more than ever, we need the example of the most chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary, the humble but strong foster father of Jesus. Biba San Jose!

Anonymous said...

Jesus, having died nearly 2000 years ago, would likely stink NMC up even worse than it is now.

Anonymous said...

That is a blasphemous thing to say! Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Do you know that Fernandez collects a
housing allowance of about $800 a month and only pays $500 for rent, she drives around in a
government vehicle 24/7 and has the College pay for all the gas, she eats out all the time and has
the College pickup the bill most of it, travels nonstop ... and Abraham forces her underlings to
drag her along on trips, especially when its federal funds being used. Zaldy, you sure got your
assessment wrong on this one! Easy solution - don't renew Fernandez on May 5th when her contract is
up for renewal and we will all have the best Cinco de Mayo ever!!!!

Anonymous said...

Carmen is one hot piece of ass!

Anonymous said...

I like Carmen. I also like swimming in lard, which is what it must be like to bang her.